Academy School
This school is a sweet slice of heaven down in southern Vermont. Principal, Kelly Dias, was once a student at the school. That's how fun it is. People want to come back and be a part of it. Kelly sets the trend for outdoor education and fusing activity with learning and working. The wellness leaders, Eileen Parks and Rachel Glickman, have taken a great, seasoned staff wellness program and kept it current, exciting, inclusive, and reliable.
The culture or Academy makes outdoor fun a staple of the day, and veggies are a must grab in the staff room. Chaos just can't be found in this comfotable, accomodating home away from home. We found oursleves saying "I want to go to back to school to be able to learn and grow here." Depsite all that the last several years have brought people seem to thrive in this building.
Check out their style and what makes their days great in this fun video: