Maribeth Fonda
Maribeth Fonda’s effervescent personality will literally knock your socks off. A behavior interventionist by day with Windham SE’s Intensive Services Program at the Dummerston School, after school she becomes a Zumba star, chock full of Latin dance moves and plenty of laughter.
According to Meg Boraski, one of Fonda’s colleagues, Maribeth is the picture of what wellness is all about. “When I saw VEHI PATH’s rock star application, she was the first person who came to my mind. “She practices what she preaches,” she said. “Maribeth demonstrates an intuition about what to do and how to carry out specific behavioral plans that cannot be attributed solely to experience. Her strong sense of responsibility, motivation and flexibility continue to make working as part of the school team an enjoyable and fun learning experience. Maribeth has stayed active in the school by taking part in school community and consultations, exceeding expectations to ensure the best possible care for her students and coworkers. She continuously encourages teachers and other members of the school to use the most current practices for students and to strive for personal excellence. Maribeth is an organizing expert and keeps people on track. She continues to go above and beyond as a friend and coworker.”
Fonda grew up in Williston, received her undergraduate degree from St. Michaels’ College and then decided to move south to Brattleboro. “I have been teaching here in the public schools for six years,” she said. Definitely not a person to stay still for long, Fonda received her Master’s degree from Antioch University in Keene, NH and is actively involved in Vermont’s Association for Behavior Analysis.
Outside of the classroom, Fonda lives and breathes Zumba. “I have been leading Zumba classes in multiple locations, Zumba warmups before the annual Girls on the Run event and Zumbathons (fundraising events) for more than a decade,” she said. “I became smitten with Zumba several years ago. love it because every class feels like a party. There are no mistakes in Zumba, only unplanned solos.”
Fonda is also keen on traveling to new and different places. “I have been to the West Coast exploring parts of Washington, Oregon and California and on a whim I took on a cooking tour of Italy,” she added.