VEHI PATH Rockstars
Beginning in 2015, school employees were invited to nominate an individual they believe models wellness, (physical, emotional, social or spiritual) either in their workplace, at home or in their community. From those nominations we selected a handful of wellness rockstars to honor each year. Their stories and photographs are published here, on the PATH website. Starting in 2021 we began featuring entire buildings and the extraordinary Rockstars within - or, shall we say... Rockstars from head to toe.
Building Wellness Leaders and Champions may nominate their building by requesting a form from VEHI PATH.
2015 - 2016 Rockstars
Andrea Halnon
Bristol Elementary School
Angela Fillion
Milton Elementary School
Catherine Freese
Sharon Elementary
Diane Kinnon
South Burlington SD
Flora Hurteau
VEHI Retiree
Frank Kelley
Chester-Andover School
Gail McGann
Castleton Village School
Gayle Bothello
Burlington High School
Irene Dagesse
Coventry Village School
Jean Gilbert
Windham Southeast Supervisory Union
Jillian Zeilenga
East Montpelier Elementary
Joe Robinson
Waitsfield Elementary
Kata Welch
Cavendish Town School
Kimberly Hirschman
Oxbow UHS
Lisa Paquette
Lyndon Town School
Lisa Robtoy
Enosburgh Elementary
Lisa Stanton
Hinesburg Community School
Lynne Hansen
Highgate Elementary
Mary Ann Abarno
VEHI Retiree
Meagan Boucher
St. Johnsbury Academy
Robyn Newton
Vergennes Union Elementary
Rosie Piontek
Vermont Achievement Center
Sally Kirn
Northfield Middle and High School
Sally Sherrard
Waterford School
Sandy Celauro
Rutland Middle School
Tammy Myers
Woodstock Elementary School
Todd Nichols
Canaan Elementary
Vasanthi Meyette
Shelburne Community School