Marcia Souter
Spaulding High school
Marcia Souter, Spaulding High school front office manager, sports an infectious smile and is chock-full of positive vibes. “I am in charge of putting out fires, sending out school delay notifications, answering multiple phone calls and addressing front desk requests. “I love it – I really like my job,” she said, and her happiness is effusively evident.” I am really happy with the path my life has taken and have no plans to retire for at least a couple more years. I am healthy and I would be bored if I didn’t have a position to keep me busy.”
Souter loves to stay on the move. “Once a week I line dance at the local senior center and attend a yoga class. I regularly use my Nordic Trak at home, love to walk, read and shop,” she said. Each summer Souter can most often be found in her kayak padding on Lake Groton, where she and her family have a second home. In fact, for 24 years Souter worked at the Stillwater State Park campground, making reservations, greeting campers and providing them with assistance as requested. “It was so much fun,” she said as she laughed. “I am looking forward to another great summer at our lake cottage with my grandchildren, (ages 10, 13 and 17). They spend five or six weeks with us on the lake.”
Souter’s Spaulding High colleagues are wowed by her focus on health and thoroughly enjoy collaborating with her. “We are awe of Marcia’s rice cakes and peanut butter granola. She inspires everyone here at Spaulding to exercise,” they said.